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M*A*S 90 Job Cost

State Of The Art, Inc.

The M*A*S 90 Job Cost module is designed to provide the necessary dataabout your jobs. Job Cost, which is especially suited to generalcontractors and subcontractors, contains the flexibility to break downcosts at the level of detail that best suits your job tracking andreporting needs. Cost information for each job is detailed by a set ofcost codes/types that you establish in the system. You can designatephases, steps or other cost categories, using up to nine characters inthe three segments. Cost, unit and budget information is recorded forthe job-to-date by each cost category.An estimating program included in the Job Cost system creates andmaintains estimates for proposals and bids. Estimate varianceinformation is tracked once a contract has been accepted.The job billing feature is used to select jobs to be billed, enter oradjust billing information, print customized invoices for mailing tocustomers and track cash receipt and retention.Job Cost can be used as a standalone system, or it can be integrated withother M*A*S 90 modules such as Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, andPayroll and Inventory Management to save time, share common information,and provide you with a sophisticated, powerful system for your costingneeds.

Language: Business BASIC, BB(x) Progression 2
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0

State Of The Art, Inc.
56 Technology Dr
Irvine, CA 92718
Phone: (714) 753-1222
        (800) 854-3415
Fax: (714) 753-0374